Fort Walton Beach Wedding | Jacklyn + Austin
Fort Walton Beach Wedding
Jacklyn + Austin
This sweet, intimate wedding was what my soul needed during this busy season! I loved how Jacklyn and Austin’s wedding ceremony was personalized to be all about them by their young adult’s pastor. He told the story of how they met and how shy Austin was. It truly touched me and reminded me of how shy I was meeting my Austin!
Austin was too nervous to ask her her name, but they were in a college class together. So, he creeped the student roll until he found Jacklyn on Facebook! He then sent her a private message and they chatted that way for quite some time before he worked up the courage to ask her to church. After much thought and worry, Austin un-invited her from church worried what his friends would make fun of him about in front of her. Distraught, she reached out to her momma who said “don’t let ANY guy keep you from going to church”. WORDS TO LIVE BY!! After her chat with her mom, Jacklyn decided to go to church anyways and the two have been together ever since!
It is amazing how God brings two people together!
It makes me think back to how Austin and I met. Our story was crazy! We met in Disney World (as many of you know), but there were SO many opportunities before then that could have led to us meeting and possibly a different outcome. For example, Austin’s sister was in a dance class with my sister. I really wanted to be in that class as well, but I had injured my leg and was stuck in a boot unable to join the class. After we talked about this, Austin told me it’s God that I wasn’t in that class because if I had been his sister’s friend he probably wouldn’t have dated me or even thought about it. I would have just been his little sister’s friend! In the end, us meeting in Disney World was ALL GOD’S PLAN!!
Congratulations Jacklyn and Austin!!
Fun tid-bit: Jacklyn and Austin got married on Jacklyn’s parent’s wedding anniversary! How sweet is that?!

Wedding Vendors:
Photographer - Kristen Marcus Photography
Venue - Holiday Inn Fort Walton Beach
Hair&Makeup - Sarah Jackson with Swoon Styles
Wedding Dress - Rebecca’s Wedding Boutique